Sending SMS from Google Talk or from any other Jabber client
GTalk2VoIP gateway provides a paid-for service for sending SMS messages to mobile phones right from your IM chat client, here's how it works:

Step 1. Subscribe to the service in one of the possible ways:

  • 1st Way. Open your Google Talk and invite new recipient whose user id is .
  • 2nd Way. Go to the main page of this site and submit your user id by pressing "Invite" button, then accept invitation from .

Step 2. Type in a command like COST +XXXXXXXXXXX in the chat window to know the cost of sending a single SMS message of 70 characters long (Unicode supported). The +XXXXXXXXXXX must be your recepient's mobile phone number. Example goes:

service: You entered: cost  

Call to  via NET4 costs 0.0239, USD per 1 min ASR=58, ACD=558
Call to  via VIGILINC costs 0.0250, USD per 1 min ASR=61, ACD=508
SMS to  via SMS2INDIA costs 0.0335, USD per 70 characters (UTF-16)

ASR - Answer-Seizure Ration, ACD - Average Call Duration.
Billing is carried on per-second basis of actual talk time.
SMS messages will be split into parts by 70 characters automatically, each billed separately.

The above means, that you can send SMS messages to through carrier named SMS2INDIA and it will cost you 0.0335 USD for each single message sent. Each single message is 70 characters long, so if your message exceeds 70 characters it will be split in parts, each sent and charged separately.

Step 3. There are TWO methods of sending an SMS message, as described below:

1st method: To send a message through service bot you type SMS +XXXXXXXXXXX Some_text_to_send to this same service bot contact, i.e. to .


Romeo: SMS  Hello, Juliette, how are you doing ? 

service: You entered: SMS  Hello, Juliette, 
Sending SMS to  via SMS2INDIA. Cost = 0.0335 USD. Balance = 20.1032 USD

2nd method: To send a message through a phone mapped contact, you have to add a new contact with a phone number like: +. Once contact is added and shown offline, you just text it and all the text you send will be redirected through SMS, Example:

Romeo: Hello Juliette, how are you doing ? 

: Sending SMS to  via SMS2INDIA. Cost = 0.0335 USD. Balance = 20.0697 USD 


  • You have to keep your balance positive to be able to send SMS messages.
  • Each single message is 70 characters long, so if your message exceeds 70 characters it will be split in parts, each sent and charged separately.
  • Please, avoid sending long messages.
  • Try to send pure ASCII messages (english text without national characters), it will increase maximum length of a simgle message to 140 characters.
  • You will receive delivery notifications and other status info from our service bot contact as offline messages.
  • Because mobile carriers almost never do refund credits spent on failed/undelivered messages, we do not provide such refunds either. Sorry.
  • Please be attentive while texting to phone mapped contacts, all text to you send to such contacts will turn into SMS messages, hence you will be charged for that!

  • At the moment there is no way to receive SMSes back from phones. We are working on adding this feature.

Have a nice SMS chat!
Calling software

We recommend to use Talkonaut for making calls:

We accept credit cards